[mou] Red Rock Lake "Arrivals"

Don Darnell darnell48@earthlink.net
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:13:29 -0500

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Red Rock Lake arrivals over the last several days:

Great Blue Herons - 3/22
Wood Ducks - 3/24 
Hooded Mergansers - 3/25 
Eastern Phoebe - 3/25
Killdeer - 3/26 (heard only)
Ring-billed Ducks - 3/27
Common Mergansers - 3/27
Red-breasted Mergansers - 3/27
Buffleheads - 3/27
Song Sparrow - 3/27
Brown Creeper - 3/28

Red Rock Lake is in Eden Prairie, SW of Minneapolis
Hennepin County

Don Darnell
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<DIV>Red Rock Lake arrivals over the last&nbsp;several days:</DIV>
<DIV>Great Blue Herons - 3/22</DIV>
<DIV>Wood Ducks - 3/24 </DIV>
<DIV>Hooded Mergansers - 3/25 </DIV>
<DIV>Eastern Phoebe - 3/25</DIV>
<DIV>Killdeer - 3/26 (heard only)</DIV>
<DIV>Ring-billed Ducks - 3/27</DIV>
<DIV>Common Mergansers - 3/27</DIV>
<DIV>Red-breasted Mergansers - 3/27</DIV>
<DIV>Buffleheads - 3/27</DIV>
<DIV>Song Sparrow - 3/27</DIV>
<DIV>Brown Creeper - 3/28</DIV></DIV></DIV>
<DIV>Red Rock Lake is in Eden Prairie, SW of Minneapolis</DIV>
<DIV>Hennepin County</DIV>
<DIV>Don Darnell</DIV>