[mou] Sandhill Crane-Carver County

John Cyrus cyrus150@hotmail.com
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:21:58 +0000

I went out to Carver Park Reserve this morning, and much to my surpirse I 
saw my first Sandhill Crane in over 10 years.    The first thing I noticed 
was its call.  I looked around and there it was, circling the lake 
immediately to the west of the nature center.   It circled making its call 
on occasion, and then continued north just above the tree tops.

Besides that in various locations in the park.

Hooded Merganser-16, Common Merganser-3, Trumpeter Swan-6, Cormorant-2, 
Redhead-1, Kildeer-Several, Red-tailed hawk-pair together possibly near a 
nest, Fox Sparrow-10+ , Swamp Sparrow-2, Song Sparrow-4, Tree Sparrow-3, 
Eastern Phoebe-2, Eastern Bluebird-just one pair laying claim to what must 
be the best birdhouse in the park, Meadowlark, Ruby-Crowned Kiinglet-1, Tree 
Swallow-1, geese, masses of Juncos foraging, one unknown sparrow that 
wouldn't pose,  a lone cowbird, lots of blackbirds, and robins.  All in all, 
a good early spring day.


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