[mou] Carlos Avery

Craig Marble cmarble@adobe.com
Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:37:37 -0700

I apologize for this duplicate email. I sent this out a few days ago, it =
got rejected so I sent it again at that time. I've had difficulty =
getting emails to go through and then when they do go through, they come =
through days later. Has anyone experienced this, or does anyone know who =
I can contact about this problem? Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu on behalf of Craig Marble
Sent: Tue 3/27/2007 11:41 PM
Subject: [mou] Carlos Avery

Hey All,

Yesterday evening I walked through the south section of Carlos Avery =
(across from the Wildlife Science Center). I saw the following birds:

Eastern Bluebird (1)
Tree Sparrows (20)
Dark eyed Juncos (10)
Hooded Mergansers (3)
Wood Ducks (2)
Northern Harrier (1)
Rough legged Hawk (1)
Sandhill Cranes (4)
Trumpeter Swans (2)
Tree Swallows (20)
Fox Sparrows (12)

Pictures of the Fox Sparrow, Sandhill Cranes, and a another bird I don't =
have a positive ID on are posted on my blog.

Sorry about the delayed report.



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