[mou] Clay County Prairie Chickens and Trumpeter Swans

robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu
Sat, 31 Mar 2007 16:33:23 -0500 (CDT)


I tried the Felton Prairie today and found 48 prairie chickens on four
leks.  There are at least five other active leks in the area and probably
more.  I heard a snipe winnowing over a wetland along County Road 27
(about a mile south of 34) and had a Northern Shrike in the same spot.  At
one point it hovered for 20 seconds or so like a kestrel and dove after
something.  I checked carefully to make sure it wasn't a Loggerhead. 
Sandhill Cranes have been at the prairie in good numbers for the past few
days, Common and Hooded Mergansers are on the ponds to the east of the
prairie, and two Trumpeter Swans were trumpeting to each other near Hotsie
Lake.  I'm only aware of one nesting record for the county (four young at
a site a few miles northeast of Downer about five years ago); I hope this
pair stays to produce another brood.

Bob O'Connor