[mou] Red-headed Woodpecker, etc.

metterso at d.umn.edu metterso at d.umn.edu
Thu May 10 11:34:53 EDT 2007

This morning on my bike ride to work I watched a red-headed woodpecker  
fly over the road and perch on a snag.  While flying, it's white  
secondaries caught my eye and when it perched on the trunk of the snag  
I got a great look.  It flew over Vermillion road about 1/2 mile north  
of the entrance to Park Hill Cemetery in the Hunter's Park neighborhood.

As I rode down Amity Creek and into Lester Park I heard several  
migrants, including:

Least Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher
Nashville Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Yesterday in Lester Park I also heard Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit  
Thrush, and Northern Parula.

All this seems a bit early this year.  I've got a Northern Cardinal in  
my yard sitting on three eggs since at least last Saturday.

Lot's of spring ephemerals are also blooming here.  Our Hepatica and  
Bloodroot are almost done, but Anemone and Trillium are coming on and  
Bellwort is justing pushing up out of the ground.  The Ammelanchier  
trees have also burst into bloom in the last couple of days.

Matt Etterson

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