[mou] Carver County-19 Warbler Species

John Cyrus cyrus150 at hotmail.com
Sat May 12 14:14:38 EDT 2007

19 warbler species and still no Ovenbird.  I'm beginning to think that the 
Ovenbirds are avoiding me.

Carver Park warblers and highlights

Yellow Warbler(several)
Common Yellowthroat(several)
American Redstart(several)
Yellow-rumped Warbler(3)
Palm Warbler(7)
Orange-Crowned Warbler(1)
Black and White Warbler(1)
Tennessee Warbler(abundant)
Nashville Warbler(2)
Blue-winged Warbler(2)
Northern Waterthrush(1)
Wilson's Warbler(2)
Northern Parula(1)
Magnolia Warbler(3)
Blackpoll Warbler(3)
Chestnut-sided Warbler(2)
Blackburnian Warbler(2)
Bay-breasted Warbler(1)
Cape May Warbler(1-2, probably the same bird twice)
Veery, Sedge Wren, Lincoln's Sparrow, Eastern Kingbird

I could not find the Henslow's Sparrow today.  I also went to Chaska Lake 
and was hindered a bit by leaves. I managed Tennessee, Nashville, Palm, 
Yellow Warbler, and Yellowthroat.  I heard 3 Northern Parulas and a 
Blackburnian. I also saw either the Willow or Alder Flycatcher(I can't be 
sure), Swaison's Thrush, Yellow-throated Vireo, and Warbling Vireo.


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