[mou] Painted Bunting seen this afternoon

Jim Lind jslind at frontiernet.net
Sun May 20 23:06:34 CDT 2007

Dave Grosshuesch and I went up to Little Marais (not to be confused 
with Grand Marais) and saw the Painted Bunting at about 4:00 this 
afternoon.  In the directions I previously posted, I forgot to 
mention that the driveway splits in two and that the house is on the 

The male Ruddy Duck was still present at the Beaver Bay sewage ponds, 
but we could not relocate the Smith's Longspur or Greater White-
fronted Goose.  The Eared Grebe was still present at the Castle 
Danger sewage ponds, as well as a White-rumped Sandpiper, Peregrine 
Falcon, and Cooper's Hawk (carrying food).  We didn't relocate the 
Yellow-headed Blackbird.

I talked to the homeowners at the Summer Tanager location near Silver 
Bay, and they were not aware of the bird nor had they seen it since 
it left in late November 2006.  Was this the same bird, or did two 
different female Summer Tanagers find the same feeder in northeast 
Minnnesota six months apart?

Jim Lind
Two Harbors

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