[mou] [mnbird] Need a birding partner

Steve Greenfield tapaculo at halcyon.ws
Wed May 23 21:29:52 CDT 2007

I've been exchanging information with this birder who's about to visit, but
will be working or out of town when he's here so can't take him out myself.
Here are some particular questions I could use help with.

Note that he's changed his likely itinerary to go up to McGregor the evening
of Thursday, June 1, and on Friday the 2nd start either in Aitkin County or
maybe as far north as Sax-Zim, working his way back to the Twin Cities.  On
Saturday, he will go somewhere like Murphy-Hanrehan in the morning before
going to the airport mid-day.  Again anybody who would like to join him or
help out in any of those areas, please let me know or contact him directly:
Mike Resch, MResch8702 at aol.com

I can't think of any really good places between Aitkin County and, say, the
Sherburne NWR area: any ideas?
Is there anywhere in this east-central part of the state with a good variety
of waterbirds?  Shorebirds? (though of course they are likely to be all gone
by June).
Has anyone checked out Sax-Zim this spring?  Has there been anything good
like Great Gray Owls there (or in Aitkin County or elsewhere)?
Is there a better itinerary for that amount of time in terms of seeing a lot
of species?

I should add that it's always been gratifying birding with visitors, and I
have also gotten great help myself from ABA members in Utah, England, etc...
so I hope (since I won't be available) that someone will offer to join Mike.
(I told him he'll have to promise to get you a Bicknell's Thrush or some
such if you visit New England.)

Stephen Greenfield
tapaculo at halcyon.ws

> Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 16:34:02 -0500
> From: "Jeff Stephenson" <stephensonjeff at charter.net>
> Subject: [mnbird] Need a birding partner
> To: "mnbird" <mnbird at lists.mnbird.net>,"mou" <mou-net at biosci.cbs.umn.edu>
> Mike Resch of Pepperell, MA contacted me and is interested in having a
birding partner for a couple of days. I can't accompany him. 
> He said he will have all day available on the 1st, and maybe 1/2 day on
the 2nd of June .... 
> His goal would be to get as many species as he can.  He would like to get
Yellow Rail if possible but since his MN state list is only 24 most 
> any bird will be a new state bird.  
> If you would be willing to bird with him his email address is
MResch8702 at aol.com. He doesn't want to hire a guide.

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