[mou] Deaths of Minnesota Birders

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson at unidial.com
Sat May 26 15:41:41 CDT 2007

I have learned of the recent deaths of two Minnesota Birders.

Roger Preuss of Minneapolis, best known for his wild life paintings,
died May 15 at age 85.  He won the 1949 federal duck stamp contest and
often donated his art work to raise funds for conservation groups.

Eleanor Colburn, better known for her work in Minneapolis City
government, died in Florida April 24 at age 76 as a result of injuries
suffered in an assault.  Even though she moved to Florida in 1986 she
maintained her membership in MOU.

When I agreed to monitor the deaths of Minnesota birders, it was with
the assumption that it would include all birders, not just current MOU
members.  If you are aware of deaths of any, please forward the
information to me.

Manley Olson

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