[mou] 24 warbler species at Park Point

Eckert K R eckertkr at gmail.com
Thu May 31 19:49:37 CDT 2007

A few observers were each able to observe 24 species of warbler at Park 
Point in Duluth today. Among these were 2 female Black-throated Blues 
and a few Connecticuts. All but one of the species were between 41st St 
(near the bus-turnaround at the entrance to the Recreation Area) and 
the Recreation Area itself. (That one species was Golden-winged, which 
was at Lafayette Square / 31st St.) In all, there are 26 warblers which 
regularly migrate through Duluth, and the only two species I'm aware of 
that no one saw were Pine and Northern Waterthrush.

Also of note reported by various observers at the Recreation Area were 
1 or 2 Yellow-billed Cuckoos (among several Black-billeds), a Western 
Kingbird, and Orchard Oriole. Also, there was an odd-looking Surf 
Scoter on the bay side of the Point near the Rowing Club (some of its 
wing feathers were worn or molting or something, making it look a lot 
like a White-winged), and 2 Red-throated Loons flew north past 31st St 
and were lost from view as they headed towards Canal Park.

Kim Eckert

(Please note new e-mail address <eckertkr at gmail.com>)
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