[mou] Odd Warbler Refound

alyssa tiger150 at comcast.net
Sat Sep 1 17:10:31 EDT 2007

Two people (Howard Towle and Jason Bolish) came to see the odd warbler, which had returned to the maple tree along with Nashville and TN warblers. Since I viewed it for longer, I could make a lot more detailed notes on it: Pale pink bill and legs, buffy olive wash on sides (with some possible light streaking), with off-white (or dirty-white) belly and undertail coverts. The white on it's head was actually more of a "hood", which covered both eyes, with dark speckles on the top of it's head. The hood didn't cover its nape. I think it's chin was a dingy yellow(?) I couldn't see its wings+back too much, but it appeared to have olive wings at the top, which blended into a darker olive/slate blue color, with a white spot on the edge of it's wing (both sides?) which we believe to be an "albino spot", along with its head. It's tail feather appeared to be back (from the underside), while the wing feathers (where it met with the tail feather) were a darkish olive/blue color. It was definately acting as a Vermivora warbler would, probing here and there. It hung out mainly on the twigs, but once it was hopping up a branch. In the begining, it was fairly low on this mature tree, but slowly rose up and by the end of our observations, it was probably at the very top of the tree. It may have called once, but due to all the other warbler comotion in the maple tree at the time, it could have been another. The call was a rising "swit!' Jason tried to get some pics, but this particular warbler was rather uncooperative as it moved constantly. He may post the pics later, if any turned out. The worst thing this bird could be? A partially albino hybrid-abberant-plumaged variant! Wee, what fun! We could only narrow this warbler down into the "Vermivora" genus, but if anyone else may have had a similar experience, or thinks they know what it is, or any questions, please e-mail. 
On a much lighter note, the Black-crowned Night Heron was present at Cortlawn Pond today, perched above a clump of dead twigs.
Good birding!

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley
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