[mou] YCNH on L. Hiawatha

alyssa tiger150 at comcast.net
Sun Sep 23 20:38:30 EDT 2007

The heron didn't present itself until about 6:20pm, when it flew from its dense cover (daytime roosting site) to a conspicuous spot on the large willow tree, fairly high up. The observers (about 7, including me) could see the dark bill, long legs, and the triangular speckles on its back. What a cooperative guy! It stayed there until about 6:45, when it flew into a lower tree and was relocated minutes later. It didn't stay there long. A few minutes after that, a juve BCNH flew over, and the yellow-crowned flew along with it, where we could briefly see the color difference, the ycnh showed a darker, more slate-y color, while the bcnh showed a lightish gray/brown. The duo squawked once or twice. Seconds later, the two juves flew (probably) to their feeding site on the golf course. There were also at least 2 adult bcnh. So, tonight, it left its roosting spot at 7pm (sharp?) The roosting site is along the corner of 28th street and 37th street, for those of you who didn't know. Also present were a few Chimney Swifts and a Herring Gull over the lake. Thanks, Diana, for all the great help! Good birding~

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley
tiger150 at comcast.net 
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