[mou] Migration Observation

Pastor Al Schirmacher pastoral at princetonfreechurch.net
Wed Apr 2 11:02:22 CDT 2008

Observation:  number of migrating species significantly less than last 
year - down 24 species (3/31) compared to 2007.  Ponds just opening up, few 
duck species in the Sherburne County, but not in Mille Lacs County yet.

MIA's include Common Loon, Tundra Swans, both teal, wigeons, grebes, 
vultures, shorebirds besides Killdeer (which have been here less than a 
week), Herring Gulls, E. Phoebes, Tree Swallows, most sparrows (Nathan has 
both Fox & Chipping, I have neither), Lapland Longspurs, and Rusty 

Know they're coming, just adding my observations to the mix.  Last year was, 
perhaps, unique.  Numbers are actually consistent with 2006.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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