[mou] NO Cinnamon Teal (3/8)

alyssa tiger150 at comcast.net
Tue Apr 8 20:16:50 CDT 2008

The male Cinnamon Teal that was reported yesterday from Bass Ponds (Hennepin County) was NOT relocated this evening (5:30ish-7pm.) Linda Sparling did even more extensive searching than we did (Craig Mandel and a couple of other birders.) Nonetheless, it was a lovely trip. We saw birds that a lot of others have already seen. Highlights:

-N. Harrier (2)
-17 waterfowl(like) species
-Winter Wren (1, singing)
-Barred Owl (hooting as we left)
-Common Snapping Turtle (small guy chillin' in the water)

Also, I ask that birders post what they have or haven't seen, which would include this Cinnamon Teal. I am aware that a handful of other birders had tried for the teal earlier today, but not a single post. Thank you.

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley
tiger150 at comcast.net 
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