[mou] Veerys, Ottertail county

Jeff and Amy Drake jadrake at arvig.net
Wed Apr 9 08:49:09 CDT 2008

Yes, I know its early.  It is every year.  

Nevertheless, we had 2 Veerys at the end of our driveway last night picking at the gravel.  They were very cooperative and sat still for several minutes less than 30 feet from the car while the kids and I looked at them with the binoculars.  Both birds had the very pale spots that didn't reach past their chests & a slight reddish cast to their feathers.  They didn't sing for us.  Neither did they flip their tails as the Hermit thrushes do.

When my daughter finally got out to get the mail they flew farther up the driveway and began eating the leftover sumac seeds.

Amy Drake
Richville, MN
Ottertail County
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