[mou] Loons and DC Cormorants near Coon Rapids Dam

maziwa at comcast.net maziwa at comcast.net
Sat Apr 12 19:31:53 CDT 2008

Yesterday, 4/11/08, @ approx 6pm there were 65 Common Loons on the Mississippi River north of the Coon Rapids Dam.  They were in the following groups: 12, 2, 13, 21 and 17 individuals.  The group of 12 being closest to the dam and the group of 17 being farthest from the dam (around the bend in the river on the east side).  Still over 25 there today.

Also, counted at least 174 Double-crested Cormorants scattered throughout the same area.  Still over 75 there today.

Many other speices as well, but the loons and cormornats were the highlights.

Good birding!

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