[mou] Bagley Farm Report-long

Larson Kelly northernflights at charter.net
Sat Apr 26 18:55:27 CDT 2008

A most awful day...We are snowbound at the farm, maybe we can find  
someone to plow us out tomorrow. For the migrants recently arrived  
the weather is downright dangerous. We have had a minimum of 12" of  
snow here, it is still falling and blowing viciously. I measured  
drifts 3' deep. I have gone out three times today to spread fresh  
seed on top of the snow in sheltered areas for the hordes. There must  
be 400-500 birds foraging around the house.

Two species in particular are having a very difficult time with the  
weather conditions. Rusty Blackbirds and Swamp Sparrows. Clumps of  
snow are freezing onto the toes of a few the Rusty's making it  
difficult for them to walk. The Swamp Sparrows just look plain  
miserable. I found one snow covered and huddled near the foundation  
of the house, not sure it will make it...

Observed today:
Mourning Dove
Hairy & Downey Woodpecker
Blue Jay
C. Raven
WB & RB Nuthatch
BC Chickadee
A. Robin
Dark-eyed Junco-100+
Song Sparrow-24+
A. Tree Sparrow-many
Fox Sparrow-8+
Chipping Sparrow-6
White-throated Sparrow-18+
Swamp Sparrow-8
Savannah Sparrow-1
A. Goldfinch-12+
Purple Finch-100+
Pine Siskin-1
Red-winged Blackbird-26+
Rusty Blackbird-12+
Brown-headed Cowbird-6

Kelly Larson
Bagley, the Farm
Cleawater County

Eschew Obfuscation!
The middle of Nowhere is Somewhere!

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