[mou] First of year, migration musings

Pastor Al Schirmacher pastoral at princetonfreechurch.net
Wed Apr 30 09:42:47 CDT 2008

First of years in Sherburne/Mille Lacs County

* 4/30, Eared Grebe, Milaca Sewage Ponds & Hiking Trails (good bins looks 
from 50 feet, nice surprise in this county); Winter Wren (finally)

* 4/29, Spotted Sandpiper, Princeton Sewage Ponds; Blue-headed Vireo, 
Sherburne NWR (Blue Hill Trail)

* 4/28, Wilson's Phalarope. Princeton Sewage Ponds

Interesting migration year here in central MN!  Year totals are just about 
normal (walking & birding daily around work & family schedule), but missing: 
Greater White-fronted, Snow, Cackling (and Ross') Geese - Black Duck - Great 
Egret - Osprey (something wrong there) - Merlin - Screech Owl - NRW, Bank, 
Cliff Swallows - all but three warblers (no Pine or Palm yet) - Lark 
Sparrow - and Yellow-headed Blackbird.

(As Jim Williams has pointed out, gas prices are a concern this year - less 
trips overall - birding more locally.)

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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