[mou] Fwd: Day at the Capitol

Tom Bell tnejbell at comcast.net
Tue Feb 12 12:28:25 CST 2008

>>> As the MOU representative to the Minnesota Environmental  
>>> Partnership I want to remind you of this day at the Capitol. It is  
>>> a wonderful opportunity to meet with your legislators and be with  
>>> other kindred souls.

>>> I am sending this message again because the date for the Metro  
>>> area has changed to March 3rd.
>>> Are you Ready for Lobby Day?
>>> Rolling Thunder Lobby Days at the Capitol!
>>> Many Audubon members have been asking “When is Lobby Day?”   Until  
>>> recently, I wasn’t sure!  For the last 6 years, Audubon Minnesota  
>>> has joined forces with the Minnesota Environmental Partnership and  
>>> other member organizations in coordinating one very big and  
>>> powerful environmental LOBBY DAY.  It’s fun and it’s exciting.
>>> This year we are trying something different.  Instead of hosting  
>>> just one Citizens’ Day at the Capitol, we decided to host six.   
>>> We’re calling it “Rolling Thunder Days at the Capitol.”  By  
>>> focusing on regions of the state, we will provide a more in-depth  
>>> experience for participants and member groups.  This is the one  
>>> occasion of the year where we all come together, with our members  
>>> and grassroots leaders, to make sure our state legislators know  
>>> that Minnesotans value our lakes, rivers, streams, forests and our  
>>> great outdoors!
>>> In addition, the constant rumble of constituents at the Capitol  
>>> talking about our issues during the first half of the legislative  
>>> session will surely impress our elected leaders!  We need you to  
>>> make sure Minnesotans are heard andMinnesota’s future is protected  
>>> for all to enjoy.
>>> To learn more about Audubon Minnesota’s 2008 state legislative  
>>> priorities, go to Audubon Minnesota's website.
>>> Which day is your LOBBY DAY?
>>> Thursday, March 6th                                   Southeastern  
>>> Minnesota Day at the Capitol
>>> Tuesday, March 3rd                 Metro Area Day at the Capitol
>>> Thursday, March 13th                Northeastern Minnesota Day at  
>>> the Capitol
>>> Tuesday, March 18th                 Western Minnesota Day at the  
>>> Capitol
>>> Thursday, March 20th                                Southern  
>>> Minnesota Day at the Capitol
>>> Thursday, March 27th                                Northwestern  
>>> Minnesota Day at the Capitol
>>> Although the agenda will vary by region, the Lobby Day schedule  
>>> will begin in the morning wit an overview of the MEP collaborative  
>>> agenda, a brief training and role play on how to lobby your  
>>> legislator, and a policy and lobby question and answer period.   
>>> We’ll break for lunch (bring or buy your own), then we’ll tour of  
>>> the Capitol and attend afternoon legislative appointments.
>>> Important Notes on Lobby Days:
>>> The Minnesota Environmental Partnership will provide  
>>> transportation from each region to St. Paul and back.
>>> To sign-up for your Lobby Day, contact Patience Caso -  
>>> 651-290-0154 or PatienceCaso at MEPartnership.org
>> This mailing list is sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists'  
>> Union.  Mailing list membership available on-line at http://moumn.org/subscribe.html 
>> .
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