[mou] FW: Sandhill Crane--Birth (fabulous--don't miss this one)

Gail Wieberdink wieber64 at comcast.net
Tue Jan 8 15:00:30 CST 2008

A  friend sent me this -- thought some on this list would enjoy it as much
as I did.

  Subject: Sandhill Crane--Birth (fabulous--don't miss this one)

  Keep watching.  When you think it is finished there are more.
          A sand hill crane couple recently had an exciting addition to
their family.  When they built their nest near the water's edge it
immediately drew attention of passers by.  Soon there were two eggs sitting
on top of the nest and the mother on top of them.

          The really curious passed by the site every morning and would stop
their cars to get out and see if there were any new cranes yet.  Many
brought cameras of all shapes and sizes and would stand near the water for
long periods of time hoping to catch a photo of the hatching.

          Robert Grover, a dentist, didn't actually catch the birth, but he
sure did capture some fabulous shots of the Momma, Papa and baby (the second
egg never hatched). Then he put together a slide show with music that is
just too good to not share.

          You can click on each picture individually or click on "Start
Slideshow" and enjoy some beautiful music with it. So cute! There are
pictures at the end of the slideshow with some of the neighborhood people
watching the sand hill cranes.  Uncheck the "loop sideshow" if you don't
want it to keep repeating.

          Click on this link:

          ROBERT GROVER PHOTOGRAPHY - Presented by Phanfare

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