[mou] Bohemian Waxwings-Staples

Milton Blomberg MJBFLWRMT at MSN.COM
Mon Jan 21 19:54:39 CST 2008

Discovered 120+ Bohemian Waxwings in Staples, MN (NE Todd County).  SE adjacent block of the High School (4thNE/3rdAve).  Saw the first batch along the west side of the High School across a field where lowland willow/tag/aspen.  Followed them back into town and found them on a 40'tree of a corner 2-story house in the above location...they were flying down to a crabapple tree of the 2nd house on the block.
Others of note today: many Snow Bunting flocks (~200total), Amer.Tree Sparrows, Ravens(4), N.Shrike(2), RBNuthatch, one Bald Eagle out in Potlatch country. Reached into SW Cass County a bit, but found not any extra specialty birds I was hoping to chance upon, perhaps a dark Rough-legged, but it was a very distant circling. mjb
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