[mou] Shorebirds

Nathan Schirmacher natester166 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 6 18:29:44 CDT 2008

      This afternoon I went to the Foley sewage lagoons and Gilman sewage ponds. Foley had all of the shorebirds. Gilman interestingly enough had a Black Duck mixed in with the Mallards. Here is a list of the shorebirds.
* Killdeer
* Wilson's Phalarope 
* Both Yellowlegs
* Least Sandpiper
* Semipalmated 
* Baird's
* White Rumped (I thought this was super early but it i saw it in flight. Any thoughts on why its this early would be appreciated)
Also there was a unusual duck at Foley which i will post pictures of later. 
Nathan Schirmacher 
Mille Lacs County
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