[mou] FW: WEVI (Scott County) heard and seen today

Laura Coble shearwater45 at frontiernet.net
Sun Jul 27 13:28:53 CDT 2008



From: Laura Coble [mailto:shearwater45 at frontiernet.net] 
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 1:28 PM
To: 'mnbird at lists.mnbird.net'
Subject: WEVI (Scott County) heard and seen today

The Murphy-Hanrehan White-eyed Vireo was singing and calling today between
9:45 and 10:30 am, on both sides of the trail, in the clearing south of mile
marker #29. 
It was seen and heard about 10:20 am, moving through several trees in the
field, on the east side of the trail where the clearing begins. Please see
previous posts for further directions. The vireo was also seen very early
this morning by Bruce Fall and others farther south on the trail, down the
hill,  just past the clearing.  
I think the vireo performed every single song and call from the Stokes bird
song CD this morning, plus a few new variations. While waiting for the vireo
to begin his repertoire, I saw a Scarlet Tanager in the wooded area to the
north of the clearing.
Laura Coble
Cannon Falls
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