[mou] [rba] Duluth RBA 6/12/08
Jim Lind
jslind at frontiernet.net
Thu Jun 12 17:00:52 CDT 2008
*Duluth/North Shore
*June 12, 2008
-Birds mentioned
Red-throated Loon
Eared Grebe
Western Grebe
American White Pelican
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow Rail
Red Knot
Franklin's Gull
Black Tern
Great Gray Owl
Red-headed Woodpecker
Black-backed Woodpecker
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: June 12, 2008
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 834-2858
Compiler: Jim Lind (jslind at frontiernet.net)
This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, June 12th, 2008
sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
A WESTERN GREBE was found by Sparky Stensaas on the 8th on Lake Superior
at the Park Point recreation area bath house. Sparky also found a flock
of eight RED-THROATED LOONS on the lake at the Lafayette Square access.
On the same day, Peder Svingen saw nine RED-THROATED LOONS along Park
Point between Lafayette Square and the Sky Harbor Airport. Peder also
saw an EARED GREBE on the 8th on the lake at 22nd Street. Two RED KNOTS
were relocated by Mike Hendrickson and Peder on the 6th on the lake side
of Park Point near the Sky Harbor Airport. Peder saw two FRANKLIN'S
GULLS at the same location on the 6th, and one was relocated on the 8th
at Interstate Island.
Larry and Jan Kraemer saw a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER on the 7th at the
intersection of Stoney Point Drive and the Alseth Road. Larry saw five
BLACK TERNS and two AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS on the 8th on the St. Louis
River at Spirit Lake in western Duluth.
Jan Green saw a RED-THROATED LOON on Lake Superior in Cook County on the
5th and the 9th at Taconite Harbor.
A GREAT GRAY OWL was relocated by Audrey Evers and Nancy Jackson in the
Sax-Zim Bog on the 10th along the McDavitt Road (CR 213), 2.5 miles
north of the Sax Road (CR 28).
Kim Eckert and others found two or three YELLOW RAILS on the 9th in
Aitkin County at the McGregor Marsh. The birds were calling on the east
side of MN Highway 65, 1.0 mile south of MN Hwy 210. NELSON'S
SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS were also heard in the same area. Kim’s group also
found a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER along the Hedbom Forest Road, 2.4 miles
west of the eastern gate. Warren Nelson saw a BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON
on the 7th along the Pietz’s Road, 1.2 miles north of CR 18.
The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, June 17th.
The telephone number of the Duluth Rare Bird Alert is 218-834-2858.
Information about bird sightings may be left following the recorded
The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum, e-mail us
at mou at moumn.org, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.
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