[mou] Sci. Museum T-solitaire

linda whyte birds at moosewoods.us
Mon Mar 3 19:51:11 CST 2008

The T-solitaire wintering by the Science Museum was present and clearly
visible in mid-afternoon today. It was perched on the museum-side of the
small cedars (or junipers?) along the fence by the railroad tracks.  After a
few minutes, it approached closely, landing on the fence at the back of the
garden, where we were standing. From there, it seemed to take unconcerned
note of our presence, then flew down to alight on the rounded metal "quonset
hut" roof for a few minutes. There was ample time for Derek Bakken to get
some photos---and for me to thank the gods of Avian Obsession that I was
already on my way there for my 5th attempt, when he cued me in on its
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