[mou] St. Paul Redpolls & Carolina Wren

Julian Sellers JulianSellers at msn.com
Sun Mar 16 12:41:45 CDT 2008

The small flock of Common Redpolls is still hanging around Amherst and Princeton in St. Paul, mostly south and west of that intersection.  I have seen and heard them in the early afternoon on 3/2, 3/11, and 3/13, and at 9:30 and 12:00 today.  Most of the activity is in tall trees (deciduous and conifer) south of Princeton on Amherst, near where an alley runs west from Amherst.  They make lots of high-pitched chitter-chatter and occasional dry trills on a steady pitch, less buzzy than Siskin trills.  Today they also made some display flights.

On 3/13, I heard a Carolina Wren sing briefly from about 50 yards in along the aforementioned alley.  Today, at 9:30, I heard a Carolina Wren sing from north of Princeton, west of Amherst.  I have seen and (mostly) heard Carolina Wrens in this area on several occasions since last spring.

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