[mou] Prothonotary Warbler

william bronn william_1007 at msn.com
Sat May 3 13:05:13 CDT 2008

Maplewood Nature Center: brilliant male Prothonotary Warbler seen at 12:15
PM today. Enter at Nature Center’s main entry [off Century Ave & 7th], go
through iron gate, proceed directly to the largest lake/pond, go right on
path to first & smaller viewing platform on the lake/pond, less than 100
yards. Suggest not actually getting on the platform. The bird perched
several times on the tree almost overhanging the platform and a couple times
in the cattails immediately in front of the platform. Sometimes he hid in
the bushy undergrowth of the trees on the other side of the platform. Note:
there is a Yellow Warbler doing much the same thing in its bright but
orangier yellow.

Bill Bronn

Maplewood, MN

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