[mou] New Listserv

Michael Hendrickson mlhendrickson at yahoo.com
Mon May 5 15:46:54 CDT 2008

As a season vet in birding or whatever you want to call me .. I am not tired at all of reading about Palm Warblers, suet recipes or other misc. bird topics on the MOU-Net.  If I am considered a top birder in Minnesota (LOL), I ’am still posting to MOU-Net despite repeated bird observation postings (palm warblers). I also notice other top birders are also posting their sightings to the MOU listserv despite the complaints of those minorities that only want "Alert" bird postings to the MOU-Net.
I had a nice morning talk with someone connected to the MOU and the listserv. There is going to be another MOU bird listserv launched in the very near future called "Minnesota RBA" which will be for those type of birders that only want to hear about "Alert" type birds like the casuals, accidentals, out of range and season birds that pop up in Minnesota.
Also again the MOU listserv was once a place to post only "Alert" type birds when the MOU managed MNBird listserv but the two parties seperated many years ago which left the MOU with only one listserv to manage.  The MOU ECC committee a couple of years ago broaden the range of topics allowed on the MOU listserv and re-wrote the guidelines for the MOU listserv because the MOU wanted to meet the needs of its members since MNBird was no longer part of the MOU organization and is now a private listserv managed by Carol Schumacher & others.  
So yes I agree with Michael Engh the MOU needs another listserv to meet the demands of those birders that do not want emails that do not interest them except "alert" type bird postings. Thankfully we have very bright people in the MOU who will be launching this new MOU listserv very soon.
It’s unfortunate there are one or two bad apples in our birding community who feel they must email people in private and criticize those for their postings they sent to the MOU listserv regarding repeated spring bird sightings or invitations to view photos on personal websites or blogs, or invitations to gather at a tavern to share  a beer and talk birds, or notices about bird festivals or field trips.  I look at the MOU listserv as a town hall setting where many levels of birders gather to share all types of bird topics. Those that are not interested in reading postings about suet recipes, festivals, blogs or website invitations and other non-alert postings can hit the delete and pick topics that interested them.
So stay tune for the new MOU listserv.
Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, MN
Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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