[mou] Olmsted Mockingbird & Avocet

Chris Benson chrisb at fullcircleimage.com
Thu May 8 09:19:21 CDT 2008

Both birds were present last night at sunset.
The Avocet was very active, I doubt it's there today.

The Mockingbird was very cooperative and
not too skittish.
The homeowner is now aware of the bird after
I spoke with her last evening.
She was suspicious of the activity near
her house but I think she's cool with it now
that she knows why vehicles are stopping
and why the occupants are staring at her house.
By the way, she's pretty much up on
(or down with, depending on your syntax)
the birdlife at the reservoir...

If you go, introduce yourself if the people
who live there are out and about.

Chris Benson

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