[mou] Scarlet tanager in Bloomington

Liz Stanley liz at lizstanley.com
Mon May 12 16:22:07 CDT 2008

Right after arriving home from work I went out to feed my woodpeckers and
check on the chickadee nest (house wren arrived this morning, had to put a
wren guard up) when I noticed this beautiful scarlet tanager in the back
yard. Even at first glance it was quite obvious it wasn't a cardinal
because the red is so vivid. A neighbor had told me that he'd seen them
around before but it had been several years. I've learned to keep my
camera at the ready and so ran inside to get it, and he cooperated with a
few nice poses. I'm also getting good at hand holding this heavy lens (8+
pounds) since there's no time for a tripod in these situations! This is a
life bird for me and yard bird #53. What a stunning bird, I hope he sticks


Bloomington, MN

liz at lizstanley.com
Backyard weather: http://www.overlookcircle.org/
Photo gallery: http://www.pbase.com/gymell/liz_favorites

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