[mou] Avon Hills MOU Field Day

Milton Blomberg mjbflwrmt at msn.com
Sat May 17 21:59:07 CDT 2008

Seven birders enjoyed the day together in the Avon Hills, now one of the most recently charted
IBA's of the nation.  We made a circuit route north of the I94 freeway, birding such spots 
as the Avon Hills Forest SNA, to Albany wasterwater ponds, to more of this the St. Croix 
moraine system around Collegeville S of the I94.  We totaled 107 species, upon first talley.
Incredible highlights include:
1. Summer Tanager (female) (feeding on the edge of a disced field along a spring-fed draw, 
     movements and tail erect like an miniature olive-green catbird)  Anyone with more 
     experience on the feeding behavior or antics of this species, please let us know as to help
     us determine documentation. A field sketch was made prior to consulting field guides.
     (Location: North side of Avon Hills Forest SNA-north unit west of Tower Road).
2.  American Avocets (2) at the Albany drawdown pond.
3.  Red-necked Phalaropes (~3) at the drawdown pond and the upper large pond with Wilson's
     very close to the roadside!
4.  Peregrine Falcon in stoop dives at the Albany ponds, raising up the flocks of shorebirds, watched 
     this for a near five minutes.
5.  Ruffed Grouse and a couple of drummers off in the woods--FOY of hearing drumming (finally.... late?)
6.  With strong NW winds this afternoon, picking up warblers in the deciduous on the lee side of a 
         White Pine grove in SJU backwoods---where we got the Golden-winged and a very suspect Brewster's.
7.  Of note:  all six Swallows; Vireos- Red eyed, Yellow throated, Blue headed; 16 warblers- many Wilson's!
     Thrushes: Swainson's (many), Veery's, seven Sparrows, Sedge wren.
8.  FOY for some of us (besides the ones highligted above): RubyT Hummingbirds, Black Terns, 
     YH Blackbirds, Red-eyed Vireos, Bobolinks, eleven Shorebirds, one GC Flycatcher and Scarlet Tanager.
9.  some known to be in the area but missed:  Sapsucker, Brown Thrasher, Oriole, W.Snipe, Lincoln's Sparrow, 
       Savannah, Chestnut-sided, Palm W., Meadowlark, 
10  some hopefuls but missed: Cerulean, Bay-Breasted, Gray-cheeked.
sincerely mjb
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