[mou] Birding today: Schaar's Bluff

Richard Wood rwoodphd at yahoo.com
Sat May 17 15:35:29 CDT 2008

Hi all,

I spent a few hours birding today at Spring Lake Park Reserve/Schaar's Bluff.  The highlights included 15 species of warblers, including three Cape Mays, a half dozen Chestnut-sideds, many Blackpolls, Yellows and Palms, and millions of Yellow-rumped Wabblers.

Thanks go out to James Mattson, for pointing out two of th4e Cape Mays to me, which were lifers.  The rest I found myself, including the pair of male Chestnut-sideds that I watched for twenty minutes.

Here's my list:

Brewer's Blackbird|Dakota|20080517||||
Red-winged Blackbird|Dakota|20080517||||
Indigo Bunting|Dakota|20080517||||
Northern Cardinal|Dakota|20080517||||
Black-capped Chickadee|Dakota|20080517||||
American Crow|Dakota|20080517||||
Great Egret|Dakota|20080517||||
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher|Dakota|20080517||||
Canada Goose|Dakota|20080517||||
Rose-breasted Grosbeak|Dakota|20080517||||
Red-tailed Hawk|Dakota|20080517||||
Great Blue Heron|Dakota|20080517||||
Blue Jay|Dakota|20080517||||
White-breasted Nuthatch|Dakota|20080517||||
Baltimore Oriole|Dakota|20080517||||
American White Pelican|Dakota|20080517||||
Eastern Phoebe|Dakota|20080517||||
American Redstart|Dakota|20080517||||
American Robin|Dakota|20080517||||
Chipping Sparrow|Dakota|20080517||||
Tree Swallow|Dakota|20080517||||
Gray-cheeked Thrush|Dakota|20080517||||
Wood Thrush|Dakota|20080517||||
Yellow-throated Vireo|Dakota|20080517||||
Turkey Vulture|Dakota|20080517||||
Black-and-white Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Black-throated Green Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Blackburnian Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Blackpoll Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Canada Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Cape May Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Chestnut-sided Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Magnolia Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Palm Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Tennessee Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Wilson's Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Yellow-rumped Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Yellow Warbler|Dakota|20080517||||
Eastern Wood-Pewee|Dakota|20080517||||
Red-bellied Woodpecker|Dakota|20080517||||
House Wren|Dakota|20080517||||
Common Yellowthroat|Dakota|20080517||||

Some notes:

* Blackburians do this walk two steps and hop when foraging, at least the guy I watched did this.

* Redstarts respond somewhat to pishing.  Note that I said somewhat.

* I saw three separate Empids.  Note that I didn't even attempt to ID them.  I am leaning toward at least one of them being a Least.

*  The Gray-cheeked Thrush was cool.  Yes, I am certain he wasn't a Wood Thrush, as he had that little window on his throat.  He also showed me his business card.

* Where are/were the Ovenbirds?

* On two occasions, and in two separate locations, I heard the "zee zee zoo zoo zee" of a BTG Wabbler.

Good birding,

 Richard L. Wood, Ph. D.
Hastings, MN
rwoodphd at yahoo.com

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