[mou] Warbler walk today

Pat DeWenter hoocooks4you at gmail.com
Tue May 20 18:17:36 CDT 2008

On our daily walk today we had the following birds:

   - Least Flycatcher
   - Blue-headed Vireo
   - Swainson's Thrush
   - Tennesee Warbler
   - Nashville Warbler
   - Northern Parula (heard)
   - Yellow Warblers - 5
   - Chestnut-sided Warbler
   - Yellow-rumped Warblers - 4
   - Blackpoll Warbler
   - Black and White Warbler - (heard)
   - American Redstart
   - Ovenbird
   - Scarlet Tanager - 2 males

The insects have finally hatched, thank goodness (for the birds anyway).
At our feeders we have male and female Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Baltimore
Orioles (male and female), Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (quite a few both sexes),
Purple Finches, Pine Siskins (saw one taking nesting material from my cotton
ball today), American Goldfinches and woodpeckers.

Pat DeWenter
Bemidji/Beltrami Co.
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