[mou] Buff breasted/ American Golden Plover in Duluth....

SCmzd at aol.com SCmzd at aol.com
Sun Sep 7 09:18:18 CDT 2008

9/6/08:  Found a Buff Breasted Sandpiper near the lift bridge on the  lake 
side of Minnesota Point.  The bird was beyond confiding.  Spent  approx. 2 hours 
observing and attempting to photograph the bird.  Several  times the 
sandpiper foraged within inches of me, (way cool).  The  buffbreasted mainly fed on 
small flys and other bugs.  I found the bird to  have amazing vision in that at 
times, it would make a direct 180 degree turn and  sprint a good four to five 
feet and nab a fly.  In other words, it appeared  like the bird had eyes in 
the back of it's head.  Also close by were two  semipalmated plovers, and 
several sanderlings.  Posted a picture of the  buff breasted in the showcase section 
of MOU.
9/7/08:  Six American Golden Plovers with at least one still showing  some 
breeding plumage, and one buff breasted sandpiper on the soccer field at  
Minnesota Point (near the airport).  The buff breasted associated strongly  with the 
plovers, which was quite different from the buff breasted that I  encountered 
on 9/6, which made little attempt to associate with the other  shorebirds 
present.  Then the rain came..........  :(  
Enjoy the fall.
Shawn Zierman.

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plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.      
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