[rba] [mou] young red-headed woodpeckers

Emil Anderson rba at moumn.org
Sun Aug 10 20:04:37 CDT 2008

We knew we had a pair of nesting red-headed woodpeckers and had seen a young one being fed but today was the first time I saw two young at once. What a great sight. It was a comical sight when the RH tried out the jelly feeder; he approched in his normal peck and buried his bill in the jelly. Now when he wants something sweet he knows to taste with a light touch.

We have seen brown thrashers with three young and a week or two later a thrasher family with two young.

Our yard was supporting at least two pair of Baltimore orioles and two pair of orchard orioles; we left on a nine day camping trip and came back to a multitude of orioles. We have families of downy and hairy woodpeckers; chickadees and nuthatches.

If you are interested, we use no chemicals on our yard.

Lois Anderson
Chippewa County


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