[rba] [mou] Buff-breasted Sandpiper & Amer. Golden-Plover - Anoka

Herb Dingmann rba at moumn.org
Sat Aug 16 22:30:43 CDT 2008

This evening (Saturday, the 16th) around 7:30, Ron Erpelding and I
located 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers and 2 American Golden-Plovers at the
sod farms along CR14 just east of its intersection with CR53.  The birds
were at the far side of the fields on the south side of CR14 directly
across from the A & L Sod offices.  You will need a scope to see them.
Also note that CR14 is under construction and is detoured if you try to
come from either the west or the east, so your best bet might be to come
up CR53.
Herb Dingmann
St. Cloud
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