[rba] [mou] Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Am. Golden-Plover - Nicollet Cty

Joel Claus rba at moumn.org
Sat Aug 16 23:05:17 CDT 2008

I visited the WMA off Hwy 111 in Nicollet County this afternoon and found a single Buff-breasted Sandpiper and a single American Golden-Plover among 134 shorebirds in the second flooded field that Bob Dunlap posted about the other day.  Twelve species total at this location.  Thanks to Bob for his posts on this spot!
I also came across a covey of 16 Grey Partridge feeding in a recently mown ditch along the east side Hwy 111 further north from the WMA.  They were approximately .4 mile south of where 400th St crosses Hwy 111.
The Gaylord sewage ponds held several hundred Franklin's Gulls but only a handful of shorebirds when I stopped by.
Joel Claus
Eden Prairie
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