[rba] [mou] Faribault Shorebirds - Red-necked Phalarope @ Wells Sewage

Bob Ekblad rba at moumn.org
Tue Aug 19 15:33:28 CDT 2008

I was birding this morning in Faribault County (west of Albert Lea) and
located 19 Red-necked Phalaropes at the Wells sewage ponds.  Wells is in the
NE part of the county.  The sewage ponds are a mile west of town along Hwy
109.  The phalaropes were in the southernmost cell of the ponds on the south
side of the highway.  They were viewable from the gravel road that runs
along the eastern boundary of the ponds.  
There were very few other shorebirds at the ponds (both north and south of
109).  There were just a few Lesser Yellowlegs and some Least and Spotted
Sandpipers (in addition to all of the Killdeer).
I did locate a good assortment of shorebird species at a small wetland south
of Walnut Lake - to the west of the road just north of I-90.  There were
about 80-90 birds present of at least 7 species on the mudflats.
Bob Ekblad
Olmsted County in Southeast Minnesota
ekblad at frontiernet.net
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