[rba] [mou] Swallow-tailed kite

Steve Weston rba at moumn.org
Wed Aug 27 23:13:05 CDT 2008

The MOU website has the following reports of Swallow-tailed Kites in the last 50 years:
4/29/66   Washington Co.
7/13/74   Anoka Co.
4/22/76 & 5/15/76  in and around Itasca S.P.  (Hubbard & Clearwater co.)
5/15/99 thru 5/26/99 Rice Co.
8/11/02 & 8/25/02   Scott Co.
8/18/03  Rice Co.

Six birds in the last fifty years with three in the last decade.

Steve Weston  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Leah Carlson 
  To: MOU-net at moumn.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 10:15 AM
  Subject: [mou] Swallow-tailed kite

  A co-worker and I have both spotted what we believe to be a swallow-tailed kite near Madelia. We have each spotted it independently on two occasions yesterday and today. Have there been any other sightings in Mn recently? 


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