[rba] [mou] Alert!(White-Tailed Kite)

Nathan Schirmacher rba at moumn.org
Fri Aug 29 18:56:14 CDT 2008

        Today my Dad and I were planning on doing two days of birding in western and northwestern Minnesota. Well lets just say it didn't go as planned. We started in Big Stone NWR (17 shorebirds), then headed to Ortonville. That is when my car started having problems.  We limped it into Ortonville, then the bird of the day showed up. The White-tailed Kite flew a couple hundred feet above the car just north of the intersection of 7 & 12 near the Holiday Gas Station. The bird had black wings except for close to the body which was pure white. It was grayish on top with black shoulders . The tail was not swallow tailed.  The bird seemed like it was all sharp angles except for the body. I saw it on three separate occasions for 2-3 minutes. Any questions feel free. Sorry no photo available do to the car failure. 
Nathan Schirmacher 
Mille Lacs County
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