[rba] [mou] Another Sax-Zim GGOW, Duluth Whimbrels

rba at moumn.org rba at moumn.org
Tue May 27 22:45:20 CDT 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
5am-1pm Sax-Zim
Out with Mike and Ryan Wiese of Alaska and Tacoma.
1 GREAT GRAY OWL--At 12:15pm! This bird was right on CR52 (Arkola Rd) 0.4 miles east of Owl Avenue. A Great Gray hunting in the middle of a sunny day most likely means it has hungry mouths to feed at the nest.
CONNECTICUT WARBLERS--At least four birds singing on territory (intx of McDavitt and Zim Rd, McDavitt Rd 2.5 mi N of Sax Rd., and two along Admiral (can't remember where...stop and listen)
YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER--First one I've heard on territory this year...along McDavitt about 2.5 mi N of Sax Rd.
BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER--Admiral Road (about halfway down)
LECONTE'S SPARROWS--Several along south side of Stone Lake Road 
No Alders on territory yet!
3-6pm Park Point
2 WHIMBRELS--On the ballfields along with 1 Black-bellied Plover, 2 Dunlin, 1 Semipalmated Plover.
2 YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHERS--eye level and vocalizing..a real treat.
a few warblers but nothing like last night...
(Monday 4-5pm Park Point) Hundreds of warblers feeding right on the rocks bayside. I sat on the shore and had Tennessees, Wilsons, Canadas, Yellowthroats, Chestnut-sideds feeding within arms-length of me. I had six species of warblers in a single binocular-view!...with maybe 30 birds in one binocular-view.Sparky Stensaas 2515 Garthus Road Wrenshall, MN 55797 218.341.3350 cell sparkystensaas at hotmail.comwww.stoneridgepress.comwww.kollathstensaas.comwww.sparkyphotos.com 
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