Minnesota Listing Totals
Italic names - deceased. Gray names - not currently active.
Checklist Format pdf html
Aaron Pietsch (ap90)
35  Aitkin
108  Anoka
13  Becker
0  Beltrami
45  Benton
13  Big Stone
223  Blue Earth
149  Brown
37  Carlton
111  Carver
13  Cass
16  Chippewa
69  Chisago
40  Clay
0  Clearwater
12  Cook
25  Cottonwood
40  Crow Wing
136  Dakota
31  Dodge
12  Douglas
29  Faribault
5  Fillmore
25  Freeborn
63  Goodhue
49  Grant
200  Hennepin
1  Houston
17  Hubbard
105  Isanti
3  Itasca
42  Jackson
14  Kanabec
47  Kandiyohi
0  Kittson
0  Koochiching
21  Lac qui Parle
20  Lake
0  Lake of the Woods
132  Le Sueur
23  Lincoln
20  Lyon
0  Mahnomen
0  Marshall
35  Martin
71  McLeod
21  Meeker
26  Mille Lacs
26  Morrison
55  Mower
29  Murray
241  Nicollet
29  Nobles
21  Norman
40  Olmsted
19  Otter Tail
0  Pennington
42  Pine
22  Pipestone
0  Polk
23  Pope
259  Ramsey
0  Red Lake
43  Redwood
65  Renville
60  Rice
26  Rock
0  Roseau
136  Saint Louis
222  Scott
106  Sherburne
94  Sibley
18  Stearns
59  Steele
35  Stevens
13  Swift
18  Todd
10  Traverse
40  Wabasha
11  Wadena
67  Waseca
145  Washington
105  Watonwan
36  Wilkin
59  Winona
93  Wright
24  Yellow Medicine
Annual Lists
231  2024 Annual List
55  2025 Annual List
Date to Reach Count
2021-04-05  100 species
2024-05-14  200 species
0000-00-00  300 species
Composite Monthly List
105  January
86  February
104  March
170  April
247  May
170  June
167  July
183  August
170  September
156  October
121  November
98  December
Composite Season List
278  Spring
200  Summer
279  Fall
126  Winter

33  Seen in all 12 months
0  Seen on all 366 days
0  Seen in all 87 Counties
38  Four Corners Composite Cook,Houston,Kittson,Rock
4388  Composite Total Species for all 87 Counties (Total Tics)
0  Photographed in the wild in Minnesota
0  Nests Found
0  Yard List
0  Personally Found
339  State Life list
Other Lists.