Export County Checklist

Export County Checklist

Here are links to occurrence information for each of Minnesota's 87 counties. Click on the county to download a file that can be used by Excel. The occurrence information includes relative occurence for each species in the columns:

spring, summer, fall, winter, nesting, janssen, glassel

The county record checklists, compiled by Bob Janssen, were derived from M.O.U. files, personal observations, and other sources.
Species Count/County
Aitkin 338
Anoka 351
Becker 319
Beltrami 323
Benton 295
Big Stone 321
Blue Earth 329
Brown 311
Carlton 291
Carver 329
Cass 325
Chippewa 300
Chisago 307
Clay 340
Clearwater 301
Cook 351
Cottonwood 317
Crow Wing 327
Dakota 377
Dodge 283
Douglas 301
Faribault 306
Fillmore 304
Freeborn 319
Goodhue 339
Grant 309
Hennepin 398
Houston 316
Hubbard 306
Isanti 298
Itasca 312
Jackson 326
Kanabec 297
Kandiyohi 326
Kittson 309
Koochiching 288
Lac qui Parle 355
Lake 357
Lake of the Woods 309
Le Sueur 310
Lincoln 292
Lyon 349
Mahnomen 282
Marshall 327
Martin 298
McLeod 313
Meeker 317
Mille Lacs 313
Morrison 307
Mower 308
Murray 305
Nicollet 316
Nobles 297
Norman 291
Olmsted 335
Otter Tail 343
Pennington 296
Pine 311
Pipestone 312
Polk 327
Pope 297
Ramsey 355
Red Lake 282
Redwood 294
Renville 297
Rice 332
Rock 300
Roseau 320
Scott 331
Sherburne 337
Sibley 294
St. Louis 414
Stearns 348
Steele 311
Stevens 301
Swift 306
Todd 306
Traverse 295
Wabasha 333
Wadena 288
Waseca 296
Washington 357
Watonwan 296
Wilkin 306
Winona 332
Wright 324
Yellow Medicine 308
All counties
Sum of the County Counts - 27619

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