Northern Mockingbird
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Northern Mockingbird in St. Louis County

'Rare Regular' in Minnesota

A Northern Mockingbird was reported by Nancy Jackson at 215 Elmwood Street Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota (pink house) on November 19th. Linda Sparling relocated the Mockingbird on Nov. 20th and then I was able to locate the bird on Nov. 24th. To get there: From the town of Hoyt Lakes drive the main road east till you see Dorchester St. from here take a right turn and head south till you come to Soffolk St. take a left turn and head east till you come to Elmwood Rd and then take a left turn heading north till you see a bright pink house on your left. There is small crab apple tree behind the house that it feeds on.

Nikon 4500 Coolpix digiscope thru a Kowa TSN-2 30X eyepiece. Manual setting.