Band-tailed Pigeon
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Band-tailed Pigeon in St. Louis County

'Accidental' in Minnesota - Five or fewer records in St. Louis County for the Spring season

banded-tail pigeon seen on 5/22/11 and 5/24/11 around 4pm near our wild bird feeders eating - for about 10 minutes the first time and 30 minutes the second time, when I was able to take 20 pictures. It was eating on the ground around blue jays, mourning doves, cowbirds, and finches. I took pictures from 20 feet away through a screenless open window. The pigeon did not startle easily, but just froze when concerned about something, and then proceeded to eat when it seemed to be satisfied that there was no danger. My husband, Dave, identified that it was an unusual bird, and we watched it the first time with binoculars -afterwards finding the species on the internet. The next time we were ready with the camera. We haven't seen it since the 24th. I think I heard its call on 5/23. Anne Karakatsoulis, Canon S3, auto

Anne Karakatsoulis Canon powershot S3 auto setting, zoomed a lot