Eastern Towhee
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Eastern Towhee in Dodge County

Occasional in Dodge County in the Fall season

This bird is visiting our bird feeder. I first noticed the bird two days ago but only noted its most prominent field mark a long dark tail bordered on the sides with white before it disappeared. On August 4, 2008 my wife, Rebecca, managed to get a few digital photos through the window of this bird. I have also taken some film photos (not yet developed) of the bird and will supply if desired.

Description: Oriole-sized bird, dark gray/brown overall with a lighter breast, breast heavily streaked, conical grosbeak-like bill, a circular white wing patch. It's most notable field mark is a long dark tail with white borders (a long junco-like tail).

Behavior: Eats the sunflower seed and forages in a shuffle-feet fashion typical of towhees and other emberizids.

Ken Vail Blooming Prairie