LeConte's Sparrow
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LeConte's Sparrow in St. Louis County

Uncommon in St. Louis County in the Spring season

Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) near Duluth Rowing Club, Park Point, Duluth, 30 April 2013. Discovered by Larry & Jan Kraemer and Peder Svingen amongst a large flock of sparrows foraging along the bay side of Park Point. Primarily comprised of American Tree Sparrows (Spizella arborea), the flock also contained a few Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia), Swamp Sparrows (M. georgiana), and Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis); there was also a Common Redpoll (Acanthis flammea) at nearby Southworth Marsh! It seems doubtful that tree sparrows, Le Conte's, and redpolls are found together very often, and I can't recall previously finding an obvious spring migrant Le Conte's at Duluth.

Peder H. Svingen