Spotted Towhee
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Spotted Towhee in Kandiyohi County

'Rare Regular' in Minnesota - Five or fewer records in Kandiyohi County for the Spring season

Discovered on 4-2-14 by Josh Wallestad on Yohi Wildlife Management Area two miles east of Kandiyohi in Kandiyohi County. The Spotted Towhee was also observed and photographed on 4-3-14 in the middle of a blizzard in the same location. To look for the bird, access the WMA using the 0.5 mile easement from US Hwy 12 on the north. From the parking lot, go due south to the pine plantation. There is a path on the east edge of the pines with low shrubs on the left. There is also a DNR pheasant feeder in this area. The Spotted Towhee was moving around in these shrubs.

Josh Wallestad