Golden-crowned Sparrow
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Golden-crowned Sparrow in St. Louis County

'Casual' in Minnesota - Five or fewer records in St. Louis County for the Fall season

GOLDEN CROWNED SPARROW returned as an adult (arguably) after visiting the feeder of Jeff Newman last year in Duluth, MN. It is quite shy and I have been 3 times before I saw it, and I was there within minutes of it been reported as been there, so be aware! It is coming to the ground feeding on millet with Juncos. It can be seen from the road/corner of Regent St/44th Ave East at the NE corner. Jeff is very nice so be respectful of course. There are others feeding birds in the neighborhood so it is mobile. It has only briefly been seen last Sunday, Wed evening and this morning. PLEASE STAY BY THE CORNER OF THE FRONT PORCH FOR VIEWING.

John Richardson