Scarlet Tanager
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Scarlet Tanager in Scott County

Common in Scott County in the Spring season

Orange Variant Scarlet Tanager at Murphy-Hannrehan reported by Bill Stauffer on June 4. First found when Bill heard a Tanager singing low right by the corner where Sunset Blvd becomes 170th and Lower 167th goes off to the north. Bill indicates that the bird that was seen matched pretty exactly the picture of the Orange Variant in Sibley, including the wing marking. Bill was driving west on 170th. Just after passing the house with the white pigeon coop, and less then 0.1 miles from his last sighting, he heard the PIT-Churr sound of a tanager on the south side of the road. Bill stopped, located the bird, and behold it was the same Orange-Variant Tanager. Its color is close to that of a Baltimore Oriole, but not quite as deep an orange. Bill could not see the wing marking this time, however. (He wonders if it can be concealed?).

Photo by David Cahlander, 2006 July 3.
EOS-1D II N, 500mm f/4, 1.4x II
f/5.6, 1/250 sec, ISO-250